Thursday, June 4, 2009

To Smart for His Own Good!

Every once in while we have to play games to encourage Andrew to eat his meals. Here is today's conversation through our little game.

Mom: "I bet you can't eat that whole sandwich."

Andrew: Takes a big bite "Look mom."

Mom: "I would hate to see you take another big bite."

Andrew: Takes a big bite and opens his mouth wide for mom to see what he "isn't" suppose to do.

Mom: "Well, whatever you do next, do not take another bit."

Andrew: "OK, I won't."

Sadly, that was the end of lunch today. Now mom has to find another way to outsmart a 3-year-old.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Truckin' Along

In March, we had pictures of the kids taken. There was one series of them together that was to funny to not share!. Some day we will actually get them printed off and sent out to the family. Patience, please!!!

This series starts out nice enough, but it does tell the story of every day at home! Maybe not with the truck involved, but....

No worries though, we did get some happy pictures of the kids too.

See, they do get along some times too!

Caleb loved this little rocking horse.

Can you see the excitement on his face?!

He had a death grip on the bottle and would not let go.
I thought it was a sweet picture anyway.

Thoughtful little Andrew

Riding in the truck

And, playing with the tractor.